2 Kings 6:4-7
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
4 So he went with them; and when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees. 5 But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, my master! For it was borrowed.” 6 Then the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And when he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there, and made the iron float. 7 He said, “Take it up for yourself.” So he put out his hand and took it.
You are getting ready to recover all. Everything you lost was set up for your good. There were some things that weren't good for you. Stop crying over relationships. They couldn't handle where you were going. Baggage slows you down.
Recovery = The gaining of something you lost or taken away.
God has the last word.
Isaiah 55:8
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
We see several things in 2 Kings:
2 Kings 6:4
4 So he went with them; and when they came to the Jordan, they cut down trees.
1. If you don't recover everything admit you lost it. Evaluate your life. You may have lost a weapon.
The axehead represents power of the Holy Ghost. You didn't pray, fast, read your Word like you
said you would. You couldn't find the strength or hold onto it. What did you lose?
2 Kings 6:5
5 But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he cried out and said, “Alas, my master! For it was borrowed.”
2. He admitted that it was borrowed. Your blessings belong to God and not you. We think it is our
own selves when things go right.
2 Kings 6:6
6 Then the man of God said, “Where did it fall?” And when he showed him the place, he cut off a stick and threw it in there, and made the iron float.
3. He went back to the place where he lost it. Where did you lose it? Did you lose it through
fornication? When you bought the last rap album? When you went to the club? Admit where you
lost it. Where did your tithe, anointing, prayer life go? You have to analyze your life.
4. He also trusted in divine power. What happened to your life you stopped believing in the
supernatural? He believed God. You've been taking it out of His hand.
1 Peter 5:7
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
Matthew 11:28
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Why are you taking it into your hands?
5. He hooked up with the man of God. Hook up with someone who has power. Certain blessings
won't hit your life until you hook up with the man of God. The Children of Israel didn't get their
blessing until Moses lead them.
6. The axehead did swim. Iron isn't suppose to do that. God will do things in your life that's not
suppose to happen. You may not know how it will happen but He will blow the mind of your
7. 2 Kings 6:7
7 He said, “Take it up for yourself.” So he put out his hand and took it.
Some of you think total recovery will just come and you don't have to do anything. He put out his hand out and took it. Put out your hand. Your miracle is in the motion. God already released your miracle. You have to put your hand out and let the Holy Ghost pass you by.
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